Bronx – June Summer Celebration

Get a ticket to the event at Eventbrite (link:

Manhattan – July Event In Honor of Marc Wynter

Get a ticket to the event at Eventbrite (link:
Queens – August Backpack Giveaway

Get a ticket to the event at Eventbrite (link:
This year we are fundraising, as we plan to recruit eight (8) international operators in Quarter No. 3 and a total of 480 apprentices annually. With that, we’ll help each of them with navigate temporary social services assistance, ranging from emergency shelter to utility assistance. At the end of it all we are working to enroll 48 apprentices annually and graduate around 90 percent (40) apprentices throughout the course of the year.
In keeping with GACED’s mission of community stewardship and development, the planning board approved this first annual NYC event.
It’s summer and who doesn’t like BBQ!!
Good Food and Beverage (one of the apprentice trade projects) will be catering!
Kids Games and Rides
There are nearby play-sets with jungle gyms where kids can enjoy the company of others.
For more information, call 732.795.2937 or email