Registry for your business or shop with your neighbors!
Registry for your business or shop with your neighbors!
Registry for your business or shop with your neighbors!
Positivity Local Market registry allows local business owners to register so neighbors can group together to purchase deals, in order to boost the sales of local businesses.
Positivity Local Market registry allows local business owners to register so neighbors can group together to purchase deals, in order to boost the sales of local businesses.
Positivity Local Market registry allows local business owners to register so neighbors can group together to purchase deals, in order to boost the sales of local businesses.
Housing Invest
Housing Invest
Housing Invest
Abandoned House Acquisition
Abandoned House Acquisition
Abandoned House Acquisition
Our mentors choose an engagement pathway such as coaching, event volunteering, or community service that works to steward involvement in and upkeep of neighborhoods.
Our mentors choose an engagement pathway such as coaching, event volunteering, or community service that works to steward involvement in and upkeep of neighborhoods.
Our mentors choose an engagement pathway such as coaching, event volunteering, or community service that works to steward involvement in and upkeep of neighborhoods.